Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace

Those who have made the decision to homeschool have done so out of great love for their children and a desire to provide them with an excellent education in the context of a warm, enriching home. Yet so many parents (mainly mothers) who have taken up this challenge find the enterprise often full of stress, worry, and anxiety. In this practical, faith-based, and inspirational book, Sarah Mackenzie addresses these questions directly, appealing to her own study of restful learning (scholé) and her struggle to bring restful learning to her children.


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Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace

Those who have made the decision to homeschool have done so out of great love for their children and a desire to provide them with an excellent education in the context of a warm, enriching home. Yet so many parents (mainly mothers) who have taken up this challenge find the enterprise often full of stress, worry, and anxiety. In this practical, faith-based, and inspirational book, Sarah Mackenzie addresses these questions directly, appealing to her own study of restful learning (scholé) and her struggle to bring restful learning to her children.

This new, revised, and first print edition of Sarah Mackenzie’s best-selling eBook version contains 35% new content! Those who have made the decision to homeschool their children have done so out of great love for their children and a desire to provide them an excellent education in the context of a warm, enriching home. Yet so many parents (mainly mothers) who have taken up this challenge find the enterprise often full of stress, worry, and anxiety. In this practical, faith-based, and inspirational book, Sarah Mackenzie addresses these questions directly, appealing to her own study of restful learning (scholé) and her struggle to bring restful learning to her (six) children.

About the Author

Sarah Mackenzie is a smitten wife, a homeschooling mother of six (including twins), and the author of Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace, published by Classical Academic Press. She writes about homeschooling, large family life, and cultivating an intellectual life at amongstlovelythings.com. On her popular podcast, The Read-Aloud Revival, she interviews inspiring leaders about the many benefits of reading aloud to build up a family culture around books. The podcast has rated #1 in Kids and Family on iTunes. She serves as Editor-in-Chief at Scholé Sisters, a community for homeschooling mothers committed to modeling delight, nurturing minds, and ordering loves, and is a regular contributing writer at Classical Academic Press, The CiRCE Institute, and Simple Homeschool. Sarah lives in the northwest and you can usually find her sipping (another!) cup of coffee, reading a stack of good books, or hiding behind her camera lens, finding extraordinary beauty in an ordinary day.