We believe students will rise to a CHALLENGE.
Our robust Challenge program stands out from other classical, Christian programs or co-ops for two reasons: First, a single mentor directs all subjects. Second, students learn the unity of all subjects. In each program, one highly qualified, experienced homeschooling parent-director partners with students and their parents as a yearlong mentor in all subjects. Dialectic and rhetoric students need help understanding core subjects, equipping them to discover that all knowledge works together in an indivisible “universe” rather than a disconnected “multiverse.” We offer six Challenge levels that center around the timeless learning tools of the classical model.
The themes emphasized in the Classical Conversations Challenge programs address the relationship between knowledge and virtue. Both are essential elements of a good education. Our children are not machines to be measured and prodded; rather, they are God-designed humans that require tending and nurturing. Education that aims to cultivate a soul includes lessons that point the student toward virtue

Our robust Challenge program stands out from other classical, Christian programs or co-ops for two reasons:
First, a single mentor directs all subjects. Second, students learn the unity of all subjects.
In each program, one highly qualified, experienced homeschooling parent-director partners with students and their parents as a yearlong mentor in all subjects.
Dialectic and rhetoric students need help understanding core subjects, equipping them to discover that all knowledge works together in an indivisible “universe” rather than a disconnected “multiverse.”
The third step in learning anything is to communicate winsomely in word or deed what you have learned.
Students study six classical subjects, utilizing the learning skill associated with that strand at home while practising dialectic and rhetorical skills in the weekly seminars.
Directors help point students to the integration of science, history, math, philosophy, literature, and so on, while also pointing students to the plumb line of God’s Word.
The weekly seminars give students additional opportunities to hone skills in exposition, speaking, and debate as well as to explore more advanced topics in research and logic seminars.

In Challenge, our content, assignments, and discussions help students progress from knowledge to understanding to wisdom.
- Directors facilitate class discussions, maintain communication with parents and students regarding student progress, and partner with parents to hold students accountable for their course work.
- Parents assist their students in the completion of the course work, encourage and guide students in the development of good self- and time-management skills, and adjust elements of course work as family dynamics dictate. Parents also assess student work and assign grades.
- Students complete the weekly course work in the time required and prepare for and participate in class discussions.
Abstract thinking is now put into practice as students solve problems, write original papers and speeches, and lead discussions.
A classical education capitalises on the fact that we learn in three stages:
- We memorise the vocabulary and basic facts related to a subject. This is called the grammar stage.
- We learn to sort, analyse, and understand the vocabulary and facts. This is called the dialectic stage.
- We can apply our understanding to the subject in the form of teaching the subject, writing original papers, giving original speeches, or solving problems. This is called the rhetoric stage.
Challenge Programs offer students practice in all three stages of learning so that they can teach themselves any subject. They memorise information, sort, analyse, and understand the information, and finally have the opportunity to apply the information as they write original papers, give persuasive speeches, solve problems, and lead seminars themselves. The opportunity to take their learning to the rhetorical level is the fulfilment of all previous learning and makes education rewarding and meaningful.
A student in South Africa can obtain an American Diploma as their school leaving certificate, which happens also to be recognized by universities world-wide. The great news is that USAf (Universities of South Africa) has informed the RSA homeschooling community that the American Diploma is now also accepted for direct admission to RSA universities (since 2021). It does nevertheless remain the responsibility of parents to contact the university departments of choice and check for specific admission requirements.
To obtain an American Diploma, your child will NOT have to write any additional exams.CC works with HomeLife Academy (HLA), which is the umbrella group that helps homeschooling families around the world and in the U.S. to obtain their American Diplomas. The CC program credits is already set out with HLA thus as parents,your responsibility remains to ensure your child meets the requirements for each program credit.
To give an indication of the high standard of the Challenge program, an American Diploma requires a minimum of 22 credits (24 credits if university-bound). Challenge levels 1-4 provide a total of 29.5 credits. However, even students who turn 15 during their Challenge A or B year, can obtain enough credits to earn their American Diploma by the year they turn 18. They will just have fewer credits overall and if they choose to end after Challenge II (at 18 years old), will miss out on Challenge levels III and/or IV (which are considered college level studies in the U.S!)
Lastly, at Classical Conversations, we believe that the purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known. However, seeking to honour God also means pursuing excellence in education. Classical Conversations is growing fast, and is now in over 51 countries. Classical Conversations graduates in USA have achieved higher mean exam scores in every subject tested than the national average. Since an exam is designed to test the student’s knowledge, we are confident that any good education will equip the student to pass an exam. Classical Conversations has proven its academic excellence, yet our focus is not the exam, but the celebration of the love of learning, and a renewed appreciation of God’s splendour.