My CC journey – Marilize Delport


Our family’s journey with Classical Conversations started in 2020. Freshly resigned from my mainstream teaching profession together with my two sons and a newborn daughter. I had no idea what to expect. Homeschooling was new and foreign to me. As a family we were looking for guidance, support and help. Just as we were embarking on this new adventure, a global pandemic hit. And so the Lord took us on a journey not one of us could have imagined…

Classical Conversations has shaped me and my children and looking back, I am amazed by what we have experienced. Being part of a community gave me as a new homeschooling mom so much peace of mind. Questions answered, experiences and advice shared, sharing of resources and ideas and ministering to the heart are only some of the gifts I received within our community. The beautiful souls that form part of our community supported each other through the darkest of days during the pandemic and those memories I have diarised to share with my grandchildren one day, because aren’t we all busy building a lasting legacy? Both myself and my children formed friendships only the Lord could ordain. It was my prayer from the start of our journey and I praise Him for answering in such a magnificent way.
The content of the Foundations program of CC was intimidating at first and we all had to adjust to a different way of learning. The more we wrestled with the content, asked questions, researched, read and spent time learning together the more our love for learning grew. My sons can not wait for community day. It is amazing what they remember and how they wrestle with the content to construct their understanding of the world and life.  Presentations are by far their favourite part of the day and I vividly remember how scared they were to talk in front of their friends when we started. Being able to listen to their friends’ presentations and ask questions provides a beautiful platform where they are not scared to converse with others. What a life skill.
Classical Conversations gave me and my family the opportunity to embark on a journey of learning together. My sons are afforded the opportunity to learn at their own pace and take responsibility for their learning. During the community day, the interaction they have in class with their tutor and their friends motivates them to master their memory work. We all learn from each other and it’s so much fun. We had to take hands as a family and we were offered the opportunity to reach out and take hands with our community.  It truly is a blessing, one that is affirmed every community day.
I will forever be grateful to our director, Simoné. She kept reminding me that there will be a day when my children can not wait for community day and where they will not want to go home after our community day. She was right, that day arrived for them and for me.

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