Our Home-school Program builds a community that offers families a strong sense of belonging, tangible support structures as well as practical resources.


“Our mission is to know God and to make Him known therefore we aspire to develop minds and souls”

We are the home schooling program that helps you cultivate an inquisitive, thoughtful, child through an intentional, community-based approach. Learning together with families like yours, you’re equipped with the tools and support to teach Christ-centered worldview that is rooted in the classical model.


The classical learning model gradually shapes how children think and learn, by building on how they naturally develop. We begin…


How do you teach your child to experience and examine God’s creation? By learning alongside them in a community with…


Together is the best way to learn. Here, you belong to a close-knit group of like-minded parents and students developing…

Learning is a Voyage, You can guide the way

Classical Conversations provides the support and relationships you need as a homeschool parent.

Learning is a Voyage, You can guide the way

Classical Conversations provides the support and relationships you need as a homeschool parent.


“We provide a platform that parents can use to envision the future and holistically develop their children, allowing them to truly thrive.”

Classical Conversations offers programs for all ages and help you on this education journey so you and your children can thrive.


Scribblers simply continues what you have already started at home through providing hands-on practical tools that help you foster a love of learning in your children. It is not a community or tuition-based program, but instead a collection of at-home resources for children ages three to eight. The resources offered through Scribblers are intended to spark curiosity and a sense of wonder in young children while instilling in them a love for the good, true, and beautiful.


Foundations is a grammar-stage program for children ages five to twelve and their parents. The Foundations Curriculum outlines a comprehensive core of grammar for history, science, English, Latin, geography, a timeline, and math. Students will encounter these facts again later in the subsequent programs. This curriculum clearly leads parents through a classical education at home, week by week. Our Foundations program meets once a week for a community day where memory work gets introduced, and hands-on science and fine art projects are done. Learning together allows for friendships to be formed with parents and kids for encouragement, growth and life-giving relationships.


The Essentials program is a bridge between the grammar and dialectic arts and prepares students for the Challenge program. This power-packed course guides students ages 10-12 and their parents through the foundational principles of language structure and analysis, the structure and style of writing and arithmetic speed and accuracy. Our essentials classes follow the Foundation program on community days and is comparable to the one-room schoolhouse, with all children doing the same thing regardless of age. This encouraging environment allows students to be servants to each other without focusing on age, grade, or ability levels. Students emerge prepared to tackle foreign languages, essays, and pre-algebra confidently when these simple – yet often neglected – skills are mastered.

You’re their first teacher. Be their best teacher.
Learn together. Do life together.


Welcome to the South African Classical Conversations Bookstore. We believe that providing you with the resources you need is the next step in assisting you on your homeschooling journey. We aspire to provide everything necessary, and that finding the resources should be one less thing for you to be concerned about. Equipping you, as the parent, is one of our main missions in Classical Conversations, and you will find a section for parent equipping resources right here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us any time.
Echo in Celebration: A Call to Home-Centered Education
Echo in Celebration: A Call to Home-Centered Education
Original price was: R135.00.Current price is: R95.00.
Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace
Original price was: R395.00.Current price is: R345.00.

Learning is a Voyage, You can guide the way

Classical Conversations provides the support and relationships you need as a homeschool parent.

Learning is a Voyage, You can guide the way

Classical Conversations provides the support and relationships you need as a homeschool parent.


We provide a platform that parents can use to envision the future and holistically develop their children, allowing them to truly thrive. We believe in equipping you, the parent, in full so you can homeschool your child with confidence. Our blog page is where you will find encouragement, articles on how-to, and real-life stories of parents, tutors and directors in our communities. May you be encouraged as you read through our posts.